About Me
I am Dave Bry, a technology enthusiast currently living in South Jersey outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Working primarily as a .NET developer for over 15 years, I have experience in a variety of industries including e-commerce, legal, commercial mortgage, and retail marine sales. Most recently, I have been working as a curriculum developer writing learning materials for the aspiring software developers enrolled at Tech Elevator.

Pick For Me TV
Developed website to pick a random episode from a user-defined list of TV shows. Utilized TMDB (The Movie Database) API, Vue.js front end, and Express.js back end..
Vue.js, Express.js, REST, RESTful APIs, HTML/CSS/JS, DreamHost
Traffic Safety Store - Sign Customization
Developed interactive sign designer that shows live preview as customer types and changes font size, color, and positioning. Resulted in more than $36,000 of additional sales in first 6 months..
ASP.NET (C# MVC), jQuery, HTML/CSS/JS, Cloudinary
Bry's Marine website
Rebuilt and redesigned website on lightweight CMS with focus on SEO and better user experience..
Grav CMS, PHP/Twig, jQuery, HTML/CSS/JS, DreamHost, CloudinarySkills
- Languages: C#, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ES6, Bash, Markdown, PHP
- Libraries/Frameworks: .NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET, Spring Boot, MSTest, JUnit, LINQ, Entity, jQuery, Vue.js, Express.js
- Database Platforms: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Tech Elevator
Curriculum Developer • Jan 2020 - Present
- Led team in refactoring significant content of curriculum, adding new material, enhancing existing content, and updating later projects to utilize new patterns established. Resulted in greater student understanding of concepts and 63% more students receiving passing exercise scores.
- Designed new module capstone based on a popular mobile payment service for students to demonstrate knowledge in client-server REST API code and SQL backed storage.
- Developed curriculum versioning strategy, bundling learning material from over 30 repositories into LMS and cohort repository supporting consumer and enterprise product offerings, enabling Tech Elevator to rapidly iterate curriculum versions supporting more than 500 concurrent students across all programs.
- Designed RESTful API systems for student labs providing real-world examples of API integrations with applications.
- Tech: C#, Java, ASP.NET, Spring Boot, MSTest, JUnit, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS/JS, Vue.js, Cypress, Docker
Bry's Marine
Web Developer • Oct 2019 - Dec 2019
- Elevated sales 12% year-over-year with redesigned website built on lightweight CMS with focus on SEO and improved user experience.
- 🔗 https://www.brysmarine.com
- Tech: Grav CMS, PHP/Twig, jQuery, HTML/CSS/JS, DreamHost, Cloudinary
Traffic Safety Store
Software Engineer/Lead Software Engineer • Jul 2016 - Sep 2019
- Generated more than $36,000 of additional sales by developing new interactive sign designer showing live preview as customer and types and changes font size, color, and positioning.
- Doubled sales of vinyl roll-up signs by implementing a new stylish interface with built-in search bringing the most relevant signs to the top and supporting hundreds of different sign legends.
- Increased conversion rates of safety vests by 20% with enhanced site search and filtering capabilities that gave customers the ability to find products by size, color, material, and ANSI safety rating quickly.
- Tech: ASP.NET (C# MVC), React, jQuery, HTML/CSS/JS, Bootstrap, Microsoft SQL Server, Elasticsearch, Cloudinary
Dechert LLP
IT Applications Developer • Jan 2011 - Jul 2016
- Saved firm over $20,000/year with internal skills & experience tracking application. Implemented interactive front end based on Photoshop mockups designed by the marketing department.
- Boosted efficiency of General Counsel team saving over 10 hours per week with system to record ethical screens, manage access lists, and automatically secure digital documents & workspaces.
- Tech: ASP.NET (VB Web Forms, C# MVC), jQuery, HTML/CSS/JS, Microsoft SQL Server, SSRS, SSIS, iManage
Coventry First
Associate Software Engineer • Feb 2010 - Jan 2011
- Improved productivity of Contract Analysis department by enhancing key system, enabling more data to be captured, and efficiently complete tasks. Analyst daily calls increased 10-20% and reduced backlog.
- Tech: ASP.NET (VB Web Forms), VB.NET WinForms, HTML/CSS/JS, Microsoft SQL Server
Capmark Financial Group, Inc.
Applications Developer • Jan 2007 - Feb 2010
- Ported mission-critical data transfer process to VB.NET Windows Service, improving reliability and reducing manual reruns and troubleshooting by 80%.
- Upgraded major finance application to ASP.NET 2.0 and implemented new features from business requests.
- Tech: ASP.NET (VB Web Forms), HTML/CSS/JS, Microsoft SQL Server
School of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Temple University
ASP.NET Developer • Jun 2006 - Jan 2007
- Created ASP.NET web applications to demonstrate improved business methods for professionals in hospitality management, event planning, and risk prevention.
- Tech: ASP.NET (VB Web Forms), Classic ASP, HTML, Microsoft SQL Server
Other Technical
Pick For Me TV
2022- Developed website to pick a random episode from a user-defined list of TV shows. Utilized TMDB (The Movie Database) REST API, Vue.js front end, and Express.js back end.
- 🔗 https://pickforme.tv
DD-WRT Mobile
2013 - 2014- Wrote iOS app in Objective-C for configuring routers running third-party firmware DD-WRT.
Bry's Marine
2010 - 2014- Developed custom interface for transmitting store inventory to manufacturer database searchable by all North American marine dealers. Part sales increased 10%, helping clear out older and obsolete parts.
Temple University
College of Science & Technology • 2007
- Major: Bachelor of Science, Information Science & Technology
- Minor: Business Administration
- Honors: magna cum laude
High Technology High School
Web Development & Programming Track • 2002
- School named a "Star School" by NJ Department of Education, recipient of National Blue Ribbon Award, and consistently ranked within the top 20 high schools of New Jersey & US by many news organizations.